Free Photography Class: "Point of Entry" by Shmuel Diamond

The above is one of 28 photography training videos contained in Shmuel Diamond's "Zero to Pro" and "Get it Straight" photography courses, which I highly recommend (see links below).

As you know, I'm always on the lookout for photography training or classes that you might enjoy.

Do you ever dream of leaving your day job behind and making your living as a photographer?

Well, I've found something new which I personally consider amazing: a 10-week online class that promises to turn ANYONE into a pro photographer in that short time.

And after watching the course, I think it really delivers the goods.  I'm incredibly impressed. More details below.

But before reading further, if you have no interest in becoming a professional people-photographer (portraits, families, weddings, events, etc), then you can stop reading now and get back to your day.  I value your time, and this message is not for you.

But if you've ever dreamed of becoming a professional people-photographer—whether as a part-time gig, or as your full-time job—then keep reading.

Zero to Pro

The name of this course is "Zero to Pro" and it was created by Israeli photographer Shmuel Diamond.

There's a full version of the course, which includes business setup advice and interaction (homework assignments and photo-feedback/critique from Diamond himself).  

And then there's also a mini-version of the course, where you get just the online photography training videos, but no interaction with Diamond, for a much lower price.  More details on both options below.

The Elephant

First the elephant in the room: When you first look at this course, your immediate reaction may be like mine—”this is too niche for me.”

You may have that reaction because Diamond lives and works in an Orthodox Jewish community, and the photos reflect the clothing styles of that culture.  At first glance you may think, "this is not my world."

But as I started getting drawn into the course (and it really sucked me in), I realized the culture really doesn't matter at all.  

Weddings and family portraits are the same everywhere, no matter what clothes the people are wearing.  So the cultural thing quickly became a non-issue.

And then a funny thing happened, and I actually started to see the cultural aspect of this course as a bonus.  Having a different cultural setting allowed me to abstract away from familiar cultural elements and see deeper patterns that are essential to photography in any setting.   What does a good Jewish wedding photo have in common with a good Christian or Hindu wedding photo?  The essential elements of any good wedding photo.

By constantly being forced to make this small cultural abstraction, I felt like I was able to learn more than I would if I were looking at photo examples from a familiar setting.  This "one degree of strangeness" really enhanced my learning experience, helping me see more clearly what is essential to any successful photos of this kind.

Some of the Best Teaching I've Seen

I was also surprised and delighted to find that Diamond is a really excellent teacher.   And because he has refined this material by teaching it to many groups of student in a classroom setting, he has really zeroed in on the best examples, the best explanations, and the most concise way to present the lessons quickly and clearly.

If you like the clarity of my teaching style, I think you'll like learning from Diamond.

I personally learned a lot about photography from this course (and enjoyed the process), so I'm confident that you will also.

Two Ways to Take This Course

Diamond offers two different versions of the course, for people with different budgets (and levels of interest in turning professional).  And as always, I got a discount for you:

Zero to Pro (the Full Course)  — 20% Off with Code STEELE20

In the full "Zero to Pro" course you get all the online video lessons about photography, plus business training (how to start your own photography business) PLUS personal feedback and photo critiques from Diamond himself.  Obviously this personal coaching takes a lot of his time, so this course normally sells for $795, but if you use the code STEELE20 you can save 20% off that price.  If you want to become a pro photographer right now, this is the way to go.

Learn about the full "Zero to Pro" Course Here

(You can also watch more free sample videos by clicking that link)

Get it Straight (the Video Course) — 50% Off with Code STEELE50

The "Get it Straight" photography course contains all the 28 photography video lessons from the full Zero-to-Pro course, but it does not include the business advice and the personal coaching from Diamond.  These videos are excellent and I learned a ton from them.  This course normally sells for $267, but if you use the coupon code STEELE50 you can save 50% and get it for $129.  It is a steal at that price.

Learn about the "Get it Straight" Video Course Here

(You can also watch more free sample videos by clicking that link)

The bottom line:

This is some of the best photography training I've seen.  I learned a ton from these videos.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Happy Shooting!